
Learning With the St. Lawrence is a series of ongoing interdisciplinary research projects that explores the meanings, histories, and potential futures of the St. Lawrence River, integrating multiple forms of knowledge and many perspectives. Our projects bring together artists, scientists, River stakeholders, and concerned citizens, to generate and share original artworks, interviews and stories, research reports, and methodological proposals for working across paradigms of knowledge.
Learning With the St. Lawrence was conceived and initiated by Kathleen Vaughan, professor of Art Education and Concordia University Research Chair in Art + Education for Sustainable and Just Futures (in Montreal | Tiohti:áke). As an interdisciplinary artist-researcher, she integrates visual art and storytelling in studio-based, collaborative/participatory, and community-based art-making on social and environmental themes. Her St. Lawrence artwork includes Walk in the Water | Marcher sur les eaux, a multi-pronged project comprising a wall-sized interactive, touch sensitive textile map that plays back excerpts of interviews about the St. Lawrence River at Montreal’s Pointe-St-Charles shoreline (2018) and a ‘displaced’ audiowalk along the much-changed water’s edge (2020). Learning With the St. Lawrence also builds on Kathleen’s experience as an embedded artist on the Lampsilis research vessel during its summer 2018 mission sampling water and fish along the River. For ten days, she traveled alongside the environmental scientists, impressed by the depth of their knowledge and wanting to integrate aspects of their understanding with her own artist’s perspective, all for the love of the River. [Professional website] [Research Chair projects site]
Apprendre avec le St-Laurent est une initiative de recherche interdisciplinaire permanente qui explore les significations, les héritages et les perspectives d’avenir du fleuve Saint-Laurent, et ce, en intégrant plusieurs formes de savoir et divers points de vue. Réunissant artistes, scientifiques, acteurs du milieu fluvial et citoyens engagés, nos projets permettent de réaliser et de faire découvrir des œuvres d’art originales, des entrevues et des récits, des rapports de recherche et des propositions de méthodologies qui transcendent les paradigmes du savoir.
L’initiative Apprendre avec le Saint-Laurent a été imaginée et lancée par Kathleen Vaughan, professeure d’éducation artistique à l’Université Concordia (Montréal, Canada) et artiste-chercheuse. La Pre Vaughan intègre les arts visuels et le récit dans ses projets de création artistique en studio, dans le cadre desquels elle aborde les thèmes sociaux et environnementaux dans une démarche collaborative, participative et communautaire. Son œuvre sur le Saint-Laurent comprend le projet multidimensionnel Walk in the Water | Marcher sur les eaux. Celui-ci est composé d’une carte textile interactive et tactile de la taille d’un mur sur laquelle sont diffusés des extraits d’entrevues concernant le fleuve Saint-Laurent réalisées sur les berges de Pointe-Saint-Charles, à Montréal (2018), et d’une promenade audio « délocalisée » aux abords du cours d’eau, qui a subi de nombreux changements (2020). Apprendre avec le Saint-Laurent fait également écho à l’expérience qu’a vécue Kathleen Vaughan en tant qu’artiste collaboratrice à bord du navire de recherche Lampsilis, lors d’une expédition d’échantillonnage d’eau et de poissons menée le long du fleuve à l’été 2018. Pendant 10 jours, elle a voyagé aux côtés de scientifiques de l’environnement, impressionnée par la richesse de leurs connaissances et désireuse d’intégrer certains aspects de leur savoir à sa propre vision artistique, tout cela par amour du Fleuve.
Other core research team members include:
François Guillemette: Professor in the department of Environmental Science at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. He holds a research chair in the Ecology of the St. Lawrence River. [UQTR page]
Gilbert Cabana: Professor in the department of Environmental Science at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. [UQTR page]
Katie Lawson: A curator and writer based in Toronto. Most recently, she was a curator of the Toronto Biennial of Art. She is currently a PhD student at Western University, working with the Centre for Sustainable Curating. [Personal site]
Kelly Jazvac: Associate professor in the department of Studio Arts at Concordia University. She works with plastic waste as a material medium to explore the permanence of disposability. Part of The Synthetic Collective. [Personal site]
Liz Miller: Professor in the department of Communication Studies at Concordia University. One of many projects she collaborates on is The ShoreLine, an interactive digital storybook that proposes a critical perspective on humanity’s relationship with “the shoreline.” [Personal site]
And research assistants include:
Dave LeRue: a PhD candidate in the department of Art Education at Concordia University. Dave uses painting, writing, and critical pedagogy to explore themes of identity and politics. [Personal site]
Jacob Le Gallais: an artist-researcher and doctoral candidate in Art Education at Concordia University. His research explores human-animal relationships in the post-industrial city. [Personal site]
Tricia Enns: a master’s student in the department of Design and Computational Arts at Concordia University. Her research uses participatory counter mapping practices to explore the hidden narratives of urban spaces. [Personal site]
Victoria Stanton: a PhD student in the department of Art Education at Concordia University. Co-founder of The Bureau of Noncompetitive Research, her practice uses performance art, writing, and dialogue to create “doing nothing” spaces. [Personal site]

Learning With the St. Lawrence is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2019-2023) and Concordia University, via the Concordia University Research Chair in Art + Education for Sustainable and Just Futures (2021-26), held by Kathleen Vaughan.
Apprendre avec le Saint-Laurent est financé par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (2019-2023) et l’Université Concordia, via la Chaire de recherche de l’Université Concordia en art + éducation pour un avenir durable et juste (2021-26), détenue par Kathleen Vaughan.
Learning with the St. Lawrence is supported by: